Conducting research on social, economic, political, cultural, and legal issues related to families and women, both historically and contemporarily, domestically and internationally.
Organizing and contributing to national and international conferences, seminars, symposiums, and scientific meetings focused on family and women’s issues, emphasizing women’s rights gained through Atatürk’s principles and reforms.
Following academic publications and scientific studies on issues relevant to the center’s objectives.
Encouraging the publication of academic work related to the center’s objectives at both national and international levels.
Supporting and promoting undergraduate, project, research, master’s, and doctoral studies related to the center’s objectives within the university.
Informing the public and providing consultancy services on issues aligned with the center’s objectives.
Collaborating with relevant university departments to conduct joint educational activities.
Partnering with external stakeholders to carry out field practices on issues concerning families and women.
Creating an online platform to share academic publications and establish an archive and library aligned with the center’s objectives.